Title: Holly Lane
Author: J.B. Morgan
Genre: Contemporary Holiday Romance
Hollie + Layne = One trip. One week. One chance meeting that they'll never forget. Two hearts. Two different places. And One event that could change it all.
This Christmas, take a stroll down Holly Lane where you'll find Hollie Reed's story of memories, friendships, a town full of holiday joy and the power of love.
J.B. Morgan resides in Oregon
where she's a wife and a stay-at-home-mother of two. When she's not
writing she can be found carting her kids everywhere, busy with
volunteer work, or reading. She loves the NY Yankees, traveling, and her
When she was younger, she would make up hero-rescuing
stories in her head, revolving around boys she had crushes on at school.
She's in love with the idea of love.
About her stories: I love
full length stories with a resolution at the end so -no short novellas
or serials for me. I love my stories to have: humor, swoony romance,
strong and sensible heroines, good-decent guys, realism, and happily
ever afters. After all, don't we read to escape reality? So why not read
what makes you feel good on the inside and puts a smile on your face?
This is what I strive to put in my novels